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Thinking Critically

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Creative Thinking: Exercise 9

Solve these problems as creatively as possible.

Section 9A

  1. Every Sunday Hassan sells eggs at a night market. He has no chickens and he does not get eggs from anyone's chicken. Where does he get the eggs?

  2. What can you touch with your right hand but not with your left hand?

  3. Sally was passing by two friends who were talking. She heard one telling the other how she got down from the elephant. Sally joined in and told them how she got down from a duck. How is this possible?

Section 9B

  1. A man and a woman are standing side by side with their weight on their right feet. They begin by walking so that each steps out on his or her left foot. The woman takes three steps for each two steps of the man. How many steps does the man take before their right feet simultaneously reach the ground?

  2. Twelve sticks are arranged so that they form three squares. Using all 12 sticks, rearrange them to make 10 squares.

  3. In this problem only one statement is true. Determine from the information given who did it?

A said, "B did it."
B said, "D did it."
C said, "I did not do it."
D said, "B lied when he said I did it."



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